
Kathleen Field

The Stations of September 11

All photos © Drunell Levinson. All rights reserved.

Materials and Techniques:
Photo transfer on fabric. Image of Christ by anonymous 17th century artist. Cotton and velvet. Machine stitched.

In the Catholic Church, the Stations of the Cross are a popular devotion that commemorates the pain and suffering of Jesus Christ from his condemnation to his crucifixion. Each of the fourteen stations is artistically rendered onto a plaque and the plaques are mounted along the side walls of the church. A person making the Stations will go to each plaque to pray and meditate.

The Stations of September 11 commemorate the pain and suffering of the victims of September 11, the pain and suffering of the families of the victims of September 11, and the pain and suffering of all America affected by this horror.

For each Station, I offer this Irish prayer:

           May the road rise to meet you.
           May the wind be always at your back.
           May the sun shine warm upon your face,
           The rains fall soft upon your fields
           And, until we meet again,
           May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Kathleen Field          

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